We would not be here if it were not for YOU, our generous and loyal supporters. For all of the unending passion, volunteerism and donations you have sent our way since we launched four years ago, we THANK YOU! Your support has has made all the difference for our small but mighty senior dog rescue. As we have grown, so have our financial needs. As many may know, caring for a senior animals is much more costly than caring for a puppy or kitten, especially those that haven't received proper care throughout their life. In an effort to create a sustainable, financially efficient nonprofit that continues to provide exceptional quality care, we have launched our Sponsor A Senior Program.

Our Sponsor a Senior Program can be a gift from you, or you can join as a way to honor someone else or your very own animal. It is also an opportunity to provide a planned gift to the rescue. Please consider helping us save more senior dogs by signing up to be a sponsor today! 

Below you will find stories of pups you are helping.


Beautiful Sammi is a sweet, happy 14-year-old who is SO full of life -- just an all-around amazingly adaptable and wonderful dog. Unfortunately, she had a 5-inch mass removed recently and testing revealed it was an extremely aggressive tumor -- hemangiosarcoma. Even if we did chemo, her prognosis is only a few months. It's crazy because we were looking for bladder stones the day we did her x-rays and instead we found a monster in hiding. While sad, it's a good thing we found it because we can get ahead of what’s to come and support her – and her fosters -- in these next months so she is able to say goodbye as peacefully as possible. Every dog deserves this dignity at the end of life. 💖

News like this is never easy to get, but it’s inevitable at times and especially in a senior dog rescue. Our goal here is to love on our pups for however long they need us -- and that we WILL do! Today we also want to recognize those who choose to take in those dogs who need this extra love -- as well as those who did not think they would end up caring for a dog nearing the end of life. It takes a special kind of person to be there to pick up the pieces for an animal at such a vulnerable time. Our hospice fosters make a promise to be their dog’s advocate, loving and caring for them and helping them to remain comfortable. Grey Face hospice families ensure these dogs have no pain, let them KNOW daily how much they are loved and help them FEEL inside and out that they are safe. These are strong, committed and courageous people and we are honored to serve the animals alongside them.